Payment Model

amountnumberThe total transaction amount.
paymentIdstringUnique identifier for the payment.
transactionIdstringUnique identifier for the transaction corresponding to the payment. Only for successful payments.
statusPaymentStatusCurrent status of the transaction.
statusHistoryarray of objectsList of past statuses with timestamps. Each object includes status and changedAt.
createdAtstring (ISO8601)Timestamp for when the transaction was created.
connectionIdstringUnique identifier for the payment connection.
transactionTypestringType of transaction (e.g., "sale", "refund").
tipnumberAdditional tip amount added to the payment.
descriptionstringDescription provided for the transaction.
discountnumberDiscount amount applied to the payment.
currencystringCurrency in which the transaction is made (e.g., "EUR").
merchantIdstringUnique identifier for the merchant.


Currency Support

Currently, only transactions in EUR (Euro) are supported. Attempts to specify other currencies will not be processed.


Custom Metadata

The metaData field allows partners to add custom fields in a key-value format. These fields will appear in the metaData object within the transaction, making it possible to attach additional information specific to each transaction (e.g., "storeID", "orderReference").

statusHistory Object Structure

The statusHistory field is an array of objects, where each object includes the following fields:

statusPaymentStatusStatus name (e.g., "initiated", "aborting").
changedAtstring (ISO8601)ISO8601 timestamp indicating when status changed

PaymentStatus Enum

initiatedThe payment process has been initiated.
failedInitiatingThe payment initiation process failed.
processingThe payment is currently being processed.
abortedThe payment was aborted by the user or system.
abortingThe payment is in the process of being aborted.
failedAbortingThe attempt to abort the payment failed.
failedThe payment process completed but failed.
successfulThe payment completed successfully.


Payment Status

The status field reflects the real-time state of the transaction, and the statusHistory array logs each status change, providing a comprehensive record of the payment’s progress.

Initiated and Processing: These statuses indicate the payment flow’s beginning and active processing stages.
Success and Failure States: Once the payment completes, it transitions to either successful or failed, with additional statuses available to capture failure or interruption points, such as aborted or failedInitiating.
Tracking Changes: Each entry in statusHistory includes a changedAt timestamp, allowing partners to track exactly when each status change occurred.